Podcast – RainMakers: Born or Bred

Podcast – Wonder Woman

Mansfield Rule

RainMakers: Born or Bred

2nd Edition — Patricia Gillette.

Packed with opinions and advice from actual clients and rainmakers alike, it will help you to make the most of the business development opportunities that present themselves every day – while staying true to your own personality.    Use code: AUTHRBB for 15% discount

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Women in Law

Angela Han with Patricia Gillette.

Each story in Women in Law, Discovering the True Meaning of Success, is as unique as each of the 23 authors, expressing the trials and tribulations leading up to a defining moment in each author’s life.

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Physician Heal Thyself

Daily Journal – Sunday July 10th, 2020 

By Patricia K. Gillette

Daily Journal We lawyers like to think of ourselves as fair minded, rule of law proponents, but in fact, we have long ignored the inequalities that have plagued our ranks. So let’s take a lesson from the people who are lining the streets in protest of systemic and institutionalized in- equality. No more talk. No more wishing and hoping for change. We need concrete plans to examine and break through the institu- tional and systemic roadblocks that have prevented us from bringing equity and equality to our industry. Lawyers, it is time for us to heal ourselves. 

Full article:  Physicians Heal Thyself